Have a look at our FAQs and find out answers to the questions that may be on your mind. If there is something that we might not have covered, please get in touch with us today! Betteshanger Sports & Social Club is here to help you in any and all capacities.

Are children allowed entry?
Children are allowed entry within the member's bar and function room as long as they are accompanied by a responsible adult. Children are not allowed to play on the dance floor or around the building. We do not allow children to use the new match pool table however we do our very best to offer alternative games to keep the children entertained.
We offer various Softplay Packages for the "tiny tots" and suggest you talk with Marie Parry about the different packages on offer, some of which can include a bouncy castle and a bar for the adults.

We are Inclusive, Disabled Friendly with Accessible Facilities
Our Sports & Social Club is easily accessible for people with disabilities. We are an inclusive club and our facility is accessible to everyone. The club and sections, play an essential role in ensuring disabled people’s experiences of sport and activity are positive and meaningful. Our organisation also reflects the needs and wants of the local community it serves by doing our very best to make our facility a community hub to help combat loneliness and supporting people's well-being. Our Tuesday morning Breakfast Club is a perfect example of the true inclusive community spirit within our facility, run by a team of dedicated volunteers.
We work closely with Luke Shaw and United Families UK, a local Charity in Deal.
United Families UK is a family support charity that helps out following a family breakdown, separated parents and families that struggle to find common ground. They recently used our facilities to distribute hundreds of boxes of Christmas Dinners, everything needed for a family Christmas Turkey dinner for those in need over Christmas. Our doors were also open on Christmas Day for United Families to serve a full Christmas dinner for those alone, and in need of company at Christmas.

Do you offer membership?
Yearly membership is £20 per person and allows you entry to both the main Sports & Social Club in Cavell Square and our sister Club out in the village of Betteshanger. On presentation of your membership card, you will receive discounted prices on drinks over the bar.

Guests are welcome at all our events however standard prices will be charged over the bar.
You will need to become a member if you wish to participate in Bingo or any other event classed as gambling.
New members are always welcome so please ask a member of staff for a membership form.

Betteshanger Sports & Social Club is a dog-friendly facility and allows well-behaved dogs on leads within the Club premises. Dogs are not however permitted on the sports field or any of the outdoor recreational playing surfaces where sporting activities take place.
Enve Canine Services offers a doggy training program and is located within our old horse paddock, please contact Emma or Ve for more information.